Health and Safety

Pandemic Policy

Big Hearts Little Hands Child Care is licensed and regulated through the Tennessee Department of Human Services. As a result, Big Hearts Little Hands Child Care LLC. may be directed by a child care licensing officer or other governing body to close operations during a pandemic or other communicable disease outbreak. Big Hearts Little Hands will follow all suggested guidelines provided from the Communicable Disease Control and Tennessee Department of Human Services.

Day To Day Prevention

Staff will employ all necessary actions to limit the spread of COVID- 19. Some of these actions & policies are already part of the quality care provided through our programs. However, special attention will be paid to ensuring they are followed at this time.

Drop off and Pick up procedure 

Parents are currently not allowed access inside the building.

Upon arrival please remain six feet apart with your mask on and your child’s mask on. A staff member will conduct a daily assessment for each child entering our care. Upon successful completion of this verbal questionnaire, Big Hearts Little Hands Staff will take your child’s temperature using a no-touch forehead thermometer. If the child has a temperature, they must be taken home and remain home, as per the illness policy below.

 Staff will also ask for an approximate pick up time – this will help us ensure proper social distancing when it comes to afternoon pick up. Call the center upon arrival and staff will have the child ready for pick up.

We ask that the children are picked up no later than 5:30 pm.
Late fees will be charged at a rate of $15.00 for the first minutes and a dollar per minute for every minute after if you are late picking up your child. This fee is charged at a per child basis. If you personally cannot make it by 5:30 pm, then please contact the center letting us know who will be picking up your child by closing.

Health and Wellness Policy 

Our health and wellness policy continues to apply during a pandemic or communicable disease outbreak; however, additional restrictions may apply, based on government / licensing officer directives. This may include, but is not limited to, extending our required at-home “symptom free” time period following any symptoms or requiring children with symptoms – even if they are feeling well and have plenty of energy – to remain at home. Any temporary changes to our health and wellness policy during a pandemic / outbreak will be communicated in writing, via email, and will link to the authorized source of information that our temporary change is based on.


Big Hearts Little Hands will continue to follow hand-washing guidelines for both children and staff. Our program will engage in frequent hand-washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds at the following

  • at the start of the day upon entry
  • after going to the washroom
  • before and after eating
  • after getting hands dirty
  • after coughing, sneezing, using a tissue, and blowing nose

Big Hearts Little Hands staff will help young children to ensure hand-washing is done correctly. If hands are not visibly dirty, we may use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol should soap and water not be readily available.

Cleaning and Disinfecting

Big Hearts Little Hands Child Care will be engaging in frequent thorough cleaning every day, using routine practices that follow regulations for cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting. We will be routinely cleaning surfaces and objects that are frequently touched, especially toys and games. This includes surfaces such as doorknobs, light switches, classroom sink handles, countertops, tables, chairs, cubbies, and playground structures.


Our toy & equipment sanitizing method is to: Clean with water and detergent, rinse, sanitize, rinse again, and air-dry. All toys that have been mouthed by children will be placed in a yuck bucket of soapy water and cleaned as stated above. 

All Soft toys such as stuffed animals and dramatic play clothing will be removed from the center and children’s personal toys are never allowed.

Sensory play items will not be used at this time, including; play dough, sand and sensory tables, as these items cannot be easily disinfected. 

Illness Policy

Children may not attend Big Hearts Little Hands if they exhibit any symptoms of respiratory illness, fever, or other illnesses. There are no exceptions to this illness policy. Children who are not well enough to participate in the normal daily program or who have an infectious disease must remain at home. Should your child become ill while at Big Hearts Little Hands, or staff feels that the child cannot participate in our regular routine, including outdoor play, we will ask that you pick up your
child immediately. In the event that you cannot be reached, the alternate contact person will be called. Please ensure that someone is available at all times in case of emergency.

Children may not attend child care programs while they have any of the following symptoms:

  • Unusual, unexplained loss of appetite, fatigue, irritability, or headache
  • Eye infections
  • Unexplained rashes or any rash that is not confirmed by doctor to be non-contagious known or suspected communicable diseases
  • Ear infection
  • Temperature, forehead 100.4 + (Fever)
  • nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea in the last 72 hours

Any child, parent, staff or visitor must not enter the child care space if they are sick, even if symptoms resemble a mild cold.

Symptoms to look for include:

  • Fever
  • Runny nose
  • Headache
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Nasal congestion
  • A general feeling of being unwell

Children who have, or children with others living in the same home who have been identified as at-risk of potential Covid-19 exposure may return after self-isolating for 14 days and being symptom free with a negative Covid-19 test result.

The symptoms or guidelines may change as more information is learned through CDC; therefore, Big Hearts Little Hands will continue to follow the latest recommendations of CDC and our local health authority. Please check the link for the latest updates

  • What happens if a child exhibits symptom of COVID-19?

    If a child develops symptoms while at Big Hearts Little Hands the child will be isolated in a separate room. Parents will be notified to come and pick up the child immediately. Parents or guardians will then need to contact Health Department or the child’s physician for direction. Big Hearts Little Hands will then ask that a return school letter along with a negative COVID-19 test result is given before the child is able to return. 

  • What happens if a child or staff member has been diagnosed with COVID-19?

    If someone is sick with the virus the center will close and follow CDC guidelines for cleaning and disinfecting the facility. In addition to quarantining and notifying all parents, Department of Human Services and our local Health Department. 

    Parents will be notified by email through Himama and also informed verbally. Please keep the center up to date with an email and contact phone number. 

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